Why Paper Straws are a Better Answer for Sustainability?

Published On: February 17th, 2023Categories: Blog

PLA Straws- Myths surrounding them and why Paper straws are a better answer for sustainability

Straws, a remarkable invention dating back to 3000 BC, created by the Sumerians during the Mesopotamian era, are often overlooked. Lately, however, they are gaining attention due to the growing concerns about environmental safety, marine life, and sustainability.

The Industrial Revolution in the 1960s brought about a surge in activities in the automobile sector, leading to the proliferation of fast-food restaurants and the rise of convenient packaging and on-the-go beverage consumption. With the widespread use of fossil fuels, various by-products of petroleum production, including polypropylene, also known as plastic, started to emerge. Plastic swiftly infiltrated every aspect of human life, becoming omnipresent. Single-use plastic, initially intended for convenience and cost reduction, ended up causing substantial harm to the environment, marine life, and human health. It is non-biodegradable and takes centuries to decompose, making it a contributor to landfills, carbon emissions, and sustainability issues.

The excessive use of plastic straws resulted in increased estrogen levels, landfills, loss of marine life, bloating, and cavities. Moreover, due to its non-biodegradable nature, it broke down into microplastics that polluted seas and oceans, affecting the health of marine life and posing health hazards to humans.

To address these problems, awareness of environmental concerns, health, and sustainability prompted the search for alternatives. After extensive research, PLA straws were introduced with much fanfare.

What is a PLA Straw?

The term “PLA” in PLA straw stands for “POLYLACTIC ACID.” This is the most common bioplastic, derived from biomass through the fermentation of crops such as sugar cane, corn, and even algae. PLA straws are single-use and, though somewhat more expensive than plastic straws, they are favored by many corporations and marketed as a solution to plastic straw pollution. They are advertised as:

  •  Compostable
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Low fossil fuel consumption
  • Recyclable
  • Sustainable

The myths about PLA Straws busted:

  1. While it is much-touted to be biodegradable and environment-friendly, the truth is not just so. A recent study shows that it takes 100-1000 years to break into compostable parts. As per Smithsonian analysts, it takes ages to decompose.
  2. In terms of Environment Psychology lack of knowledge on the part of the consumers results in failure to differentiate between Plastic straws and PLA straws.
  3. It is really a pain for the Recycling plants as PLA straws require 10 days of nonstop heating @ 60 degrees Celsius to break down to decompose.
  4. What is touted to be a sustainable solution, PLA straws is contrary to this fact. PLA straws are also single-use and hence they create considerable wastage and have long-lasting damage like their cousins- Plastic straws.
  5. They in fact shadow the larger issues of Environment and sustainability Problems.
  6. Polylactic Acid is also acid and hence it raises acidity levels and hence creates havoc and damage to seas, oceans, and soil nutrition, and causes long-lasting damage to marine life.
  7. It requires huge land space to produce corn and other staple crops to produce PLA straws. Initially, it may look to be economical but in the long run, it also causes the same damage as Plastic straws.
  8. PLA straws are much touted to produce fewer CO2 Emissions than regular Plastic straws. But what is conveniently ignored is that because of its special characteristic in decomposing and also it requires the special facility to make it compostable, they create more havoc and damage. It releases a large quantity of Methane, a greenhouse-like CO2, and is at least 20 times more damaging to the Environment. Corporates that support PLA straws conveniently hide this fact.

The Solution:

Straws were originally made from paper, with Marvin Stone creating the first straw in 1888. Joseph Friedman, the inventor of bendable straws, also made them out of paper in 1937. Paper straws are the most environmentally friendly option, as they break down quickly and are compostable.
While some corporations continue to support PLA straws, others are making substantial investments in the development of sustainable and affordable paper straws.

The general public is increasingly opting for biodegradable paper straws, even roadside vendors are adopting them. It’s time for the remaining businesses to follow suit, reducing landfills, preserving marine life, and supporting sustainability. Although paper straws may come at a slightly higher cost, the satisfaction of enjoying a refreshing drink without harming the environment is worth it for both you and your customers.

About the author

Mr. A. Ananth

Co-Founder and Director

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